Friday, November 4, 2011

Did You Think The Titanic Sank?

I didn't name it The Titanic Swim Team just to be cute.  I've been in a slump for some time,  some days feeling as though I'm barely keeping the ship afloat.  Other days the water may be up to my neck but I'm "Footloose" on deck.  I apologize for the drought.  If you're still on board I invite you to resume the sail with me.

This will be brief.  In one hour my wife and I leave for Honduras, to lead another team from our church to serve the poor.  Our goal is to build a house for a family living in and on the dirt.  We have 7 days to do it.  Over the course of a mere week of work we have the chance to make a difference that will last for generations in the life of this family.  Exciting!

Upon our return I will fill you in.  

Thanks for your patience and I hope to continue blogging with consistency.

p.s. sorry--no time for a photo


Widow_Lady302 said...

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm here! Good luck, and God's speed my friend! May your journey be fruitful and safe! <3

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'll be praying for your wife and you during this time. Looking forward to hearing all about your mission trip.
Blessings to you both!

photos by jan said...

I'm here too! Glad to here all is sorta okay. I have been lost in the mire myself a bit, haven't been on here much. My thoughts and prayers are with you on your visit to Honduras, you are doing such a wonderful thing.

Bongo said...

I'm here too praying for you and the team and awaiting your return with some exciting stuff....about time you cam back jeeeeeeeeeeez..As always...XOXOXO