Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Sincere Prayer If There Ever Was One

We were visiting one of our daughters and her family.  Seven year old Keegan and I were downstairs in the lengthy family room shooting child-high hoops and throwing a football back and forth with only a mishap or two.  His mom called down, informing us it was time for lunch.  We all gathered around the table and being the patriarch I was asked to say grace.  We all bowed our heads and I thanked God for our family, for providing this food, and asked his blessing upon us.  Amen. 

And before we even had time to raise our heads, Keegan chimed in, "And please don't ever let that football hit me in the nuts again."



Beth Nesbitt said...

That is funny and adorable :)

Bongo said...

LAUGHING MY A** OFF>...that kid has a career in comedy comin....what a lucky grandpa ...As always.......XOXOXOXOXOXO

Steve said...

Beth, I thought it was funny, too; not sure how adorable his mother thought it was. :>)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

LOL and a half! That child knows how to pray and what to pray for!

Steve said...

Bongo, We all laughed ours off. And you're right--I'm a lucky, blessed, and thankful grandpa.

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny! Thanks for making me laugh!!

Mary Hudak-Collins said...

OMG! That is great! I can just hear that being said at the dinner table LOL ☺

Steve said...

That scene keeps replaying in my mind. It's making serious mealtime prayer rather difficult. I keep hearing him add his p.s.

photos by jan said...

What a hilarious memory you will have to share with him, thanks for the laughter.